ThatFallingBlockGame was a Tetris clone created on the User Generated Content platform With the closing of that platform, the game can no longer be played, so all that remains is a short sample of video and the scripts used to create the game, which are posted below.
The not-necessarily-pretty-but-functional scripts include:
player - to manage input from the client
world - for storing scores and exposing those score via web servies
tet_grid - manages the play area and checks for line completion
block_spawner - spawns blocks!
master_block - invisible object that represents the Tetromino and is a
control object for the individual blocks.
block - the individual blocks of a Tetromino.
tfbg.php - an external php file that connected to the game world to extract and render highscores as a png to be displayed on the games profile page.
(Note: the following uses a very simple and quickly hacked syntax highlighting, so there may be errors...)
The player script: as can be seen this script started off as a default player script, so there is some old code remaining that was never removed.
Code: MetaScript -- PLAYER default player with 4-way sliding movement.
-- Basic four directional movement for top-down view using SlideObject.
-- Usage: Attach this behavior to individual player objects to provide a basic top down movement via sliding based on move_speed.
-- Created by: Thor Alexander
-- Created on: 11/28/2007
-- Version 1.1
-- Version History:
-- 1.1 11/28 Initial release. (TA)
-- 1.2 2/28/08 Update forself changes. (JW)
self.pause = 1
else ifself.ui.pause_img then UiDelete(self.ui.pause_img) self.ui.pause_img =nilend ifself.ui.pause_bg then UiDelete(self.ui.pause_bg) self.ui.pause_bg =nilend self.pause = 0
end end end Command clear()
if IsSuperuser(self) == 1 then local objs = FindObjectsInPlaceById(GetPlace(),'0:4')
for _,v in ipairs(objs) do DestroyObject(v)
end local objs = FindObjectsInPlaceById(GetPlace(),'0:5')
for _,v in ipairs(objs) do DestroyObject(v)
end end end Command rotate_block(dir)
ifself.spawner.grid.game_status == 1 andself.pause == 0 then ifself.spawner then SendTo(self.spawner,'rotate_block',0,dir)
end end end
Command hold()
ifself.spawner.grid.game_status == 1 andself.pause == 0 then ifself.spawner then SendTo(self.spawner,'hold',0)
end end end Command move_block(dir)
if dir == 'stop' then self.continous_move = 0
self.continous_moves = 0
self.continous_move_down = 0
else self.continous_move = 1
end end -- triggers
Trigger enter()
Trigger continous_move(dir)
ifself.continous_move == 1 then ifself.spawner.grid.game_status == 1 andself.pause == 0 then ifself.spawner then if dir == 'down' thenself.continous_move_down = 1 end SendTo(self.spawner,'move_block',0,dir)
if dir == 'down' then local interval = CONTINOUS_MOVE_INTERVAL
ifself.continous_moves == 0 then interval = CONTINOUS_MOVE_INTERVAL * 2 end SendTo(self,'continous_move',interval,dir)
self.continous_moves =self.continous_moves + 1
end end end end end
Trigger display_hiscore(pos, num, status, off, interval,force)
local killed = false
if type(force) ~= 'number' thenforce =nilend ifself.ui.hi_score_bg or off == 1 then ifself.ui.hi_score_bg then UiDelete(self.ui.hi_score_bg)
self.ui.hi_score_win =nil self.ui.hi_score_bg =nil killed = true
end end if off ~= 1 and (force or not killed) then self.ui['hi_score_bg'] = UiRect(0, 'hi_score', 0, 0, 640, 480)
UiColor(self.ui.hi_score_bg, 0,0,0,0.5)
UiAlign(self.ui.hi_score_bg, 0, 0, 'top_left', 'scale_both')
UiAttachUser(self, self.ui.hi_score_bg)
self.ui['hi_score_win'] = hi_score(self, 0, pos, num, 0, 0, status,interval)
UiAlign(self.ui.hi_score_win, 0, 0, 'center', 'scale_none')
UiAttachUser(self, self.ui.hi_score_win)
UiVisible(self.ui.hi_score_win, 1)
end end
Trigger display_controls(status, off)
ifself.ui.controls_bg or off == 1 then ifself.ui.controls_bg then UiDelete(self.ui.controls_bg)
self.ui.controls_win =nil self.ui.controls_bg =nil end else self.ui['controls_bg'] = UiRect(0, 'controls', 0, 0, 640, 480)
UiColor(self.ui.controls_bg, 0,0,0,0.5)
UiAlign(self.ui.controls_bg, 0, 0, 'top_left', 'scale_both')
UiAttachUser(self, self.ui.controls_bg)
self.ui['controls_win'] = controls(self, 0, 0, 0, status)
UiAlign(self.ui.controls_win, 0, 0, 'center', 'scale_none')
UiAttachUser(self, self.ui.controls_win)
UiVisible(self.ui.controls_win, 1)
end end
function hi_score(self, parent, pos, num, dx, dy, status, interval)
interval = tonumber(interval) or 0
if type(pos) ~= 'number' or (type(pos) == 'number' and pos <1 ) then pos= 0 end
if type(num) ~= 'number' then num = 15 end local height = (20*num)+120
if posand pos > num then height = (20*(num+1))+120
end local hi_score_win = UiWindow(parent, 'hi_score_win', dx, dy, 300, height, '0:7')
if status == 1 or self.spawner.grid.game_status == 0 then local img = UiImage(hi_score_win, 'game_over', 50,5, 199,37,GAME_OVER)
UiImageButton(hi_score_win,'play_again', 50,height-45,200,40,PLAY_AGAIN1,PLAY_AGAIN2,PLAY_AGAIN2,'new_game')
end local TW_text
local AT_text
if interval > 0 then TW_text ="<b>THIS WEEK</b>" AT_text ="All Time" else TW_text ="This Week" AT_text ="<b>ALL TIME</b>" end local this_week = UiTextButton(hi_score_win,'this_week',20,45,100,25,'0:7',TW_text,'scoreboard 604800 '..pos..' 1')
local all_time = UiTextButton(hi_score_win,'all_time',170,45,100,25,'0:7',AT_text,'scoreboard 0 '..pos..' 1')
UiVisible(hi_score_win, 0)
local w = GetWorld()
local tot = 0
local i = 1
local red = false
while tot<num do local score = w.hi_score[i]
i = i + 1
if score then local go = true
if interval > 0 andos.time() - tonumber( > interval then go = false
end if go then tot = tot+1
local tot_off = 0
if tot >= 10 then tot_off = -9
end local l = UiMultiLabel(hi_score_win, 'score'..i, 35+tot_off, (tot*20)+50, 80, 25, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
local html ="<font size='14'>" if pos== i-1 then html ="<font size='14' color='#ff0000'>" red = true
end UiText(l, html..tot..") "..score.score.."</font>")
local lvl = UiMultiLabel(hi_score_win, 'score'..i, 115, (tot*20)+50, 120, 25, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
local level = score.level and score.level or '?'
UiText(lvl, html..level.."</font>")
local n = UiMultiLabel(hi_score_win, 'score'..i, 150, (tot*20)+50, 120, 25, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
UiText(n, html..score.username.."</font>")
end else break end end if posand pos > num and not red then local score = w.hi_score[pos]
if score then local l = UiMultiLabel(hi_score_win, 'score'..pos, 35-9, ((num+1)*20)+50, 80, 25, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
UiText(l, "<font size='14' color='#ff0000'>"..pos..") "..score.score.."</font>")
local n = UiMultiLabel(hi_score_win, 'score'..pos, 115, ((num+1)*20)+50, 120, 25, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
local level = score.level and score.level or '?'
UiText(n, "<font size='14' color='#ff0000'>"..level.."</font>")
local n = UiMultiLabel(hi_score_win, 'score'..pos, 150, ((num+1)*20)+50, 120, 25, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
UiText(n, "<font size='14' color='#ff0000'>"..score.username.."</font>")
end end return hi_score_win
function controls(self, parent, dx, dy, status)
local height = 390
local controls_win = UiWindow(parent, 'controls_win', dx, dy, 420, height, '0:7')
local img = UiImage(controls_win, 'name', 10,5, 400,80,NAME)
local con = UiImage(controls_win, 'con', 10,80, 400,270,CONTROLS)
if status == 1 or self.spawner.grid.game_status == 0 then UiImageButton(controls_win,'play', 110,height-45,200,40,PLAY1,PLAY2,PLAY2,'new_game')
UiVisible(controls_win, 0)
return controls_win
Trigger ready_waiting()
ifself.spawner then SendTo(self,'display_controls',0,1)
end end function enter(self)
local grid = FindObjectsInPlaceById(GetPlace(),'0:7')[1]
if grid then SendTo(grid,'join_game',0,self)
else Debug('I cant find a grid')
end end
WebTrigger scoreboard(request)
WebHeader("content-type: text/html")
local num = 15
local interval = request.interval and tonumber(request.interval) or 0
local response = '<scores>'
local total = 0
local i = 1
while total<num do
local score = self.hi_score[i]
i = i + 1
if score then
local go = true
if interval > 0 and os.time() - tonumber( > interval then
go = false
if go then
total = total + 1
response = response .. '<score>'
response = response .. '<username>' .. score.username .. '</username>'
response = response .. '<user_score>' .. score.score .. '</user_score>'
local level = score.level ~= nil and score.level or ''
response = response .. '<level>' .. level .. '</level>'
response = response .. '<date>' .. .. '</date>'
response = response .. '</score>'
response = response .. '</scores>'
WebTrigger scoreboard2(request)
WebHeader("content-type: text/html")
local num = 15
local response = '<scores>'
for i=1,num do
local score = self.hi_score[i]
if score then
response = response .. '<score>'
response = response .. '<username>' .. score.username .. '</username>'
response = response .. '<user_score>' .. score.score .. '</user_score>'
local level = (2025) All Rights Reserved.